Experience the Power of AI

Automated crab scanning and sorting system for verifiable, traceable harvests

Factory Scanner

  • Boost Efficiency: Automate grading, sorting, and recording to save time and reduce labor costs.
  • Ensure Accuracy: Get precise measurements and data for each crab, minimizing errors and inconsistencies.
  • Stay Compliant: Meet local standards and regulations effortlessly, reducing the risk of fines.
  • Enhance Traceability: Track and trace every crab through the supply chain, promoting transparency and trust.
  • Promote Sustainability: Optimize resource use, reduce waste, and support sustainable practices with actionable insights.

Field Scanner

  • Immediate Feedback: Red light indicates non-compliance; green light confirms legal catches.
  • Portable and Easy to Use: Designed for accessibility and effectiveness in any fishing environment.
  • Accurate Data Collection: Captures location, date, and all critical biometric information, including weight, gender, egg state, and size.
  • Enhance Harvest Efficiency: Provides instant data to optimize decision-making on the spot.
  • Maintain Compliance: Ensures adherence to legal standards right at the source.

For Dockside collection

Increase Throughput: Rapidly counts, grades, sorts, and records large crab volumes with precision.

Easy Standards Compliance: Ensures adherence to regulations, maintaining product consistency. 

For Crab Processors

Enhance Production Capacity: Manages larger crab volumes efficiently, reducing processing time.

Improve Quality Control: Ensures consistent product quality throughout processing.

On Board, Coming Soon

Automated Boat Scanner: Eliminate the need for a deckhand, reduce fines, and maximize your quota.

Climate Resilience: CrabScan collects critical data at the point of harvest, supporting climate-resilient fisheries.

Digitally Transform Your Crab Processing Operations

CrabScan360 automates real-time data collection, eliminating manual logging, reducing errors, and ensuring compliance. Enhance efficiency and cost-effectiveness with our cutting-edge technology.

The Data Dashboard, included with the CrabScan360 subscription, provides secure, real-time access to encrypted crab data. It offers chart views and heat maps for actionable insights, helping you optimize operations and make data-driven decisions.


Compliance Assurance

Ensure regulatory compliance with automated, accurate data collection at the source.


Real-Time Data

Capture and analyze data instantly for immediate decision-making and operational efficiency.



Lower operational costs with efficient data management and reduced labor needs.


Reliable Insights

Gain precise and dependable insights from real-time data to enhance your operational strategies.


Error Reduction

Minimize processing errors with precise and automated data logging.


Efficiency Boost

Streamline operations by automating data collection, saving time and reducing manual labor.

Unlocking Seafood Sustainability

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